Yes a money grab and pure greed. Moreover there are a lot more rural Americans than apparently the jerks don’t realize. Streaming and a decent internet connection (not to mention a “smart TV”)is easier in “developing countries” (fka: 3rd world). So if you chose or happenstance put you in a LOT of rural areas, you can just kiss the Dolphins/Chiefs playoff game goodbye or hope you don’t know the outcome and watch an NFL network replay (just don’t accidentally glance at the bottom banner, so you can still be surprised)…I thought Goodell and the NFL actually started giving a rip about “the rest of us”. Obviously I was wrong. And the 1.1 mil Peacock and the NFL decided on is chump change…. I guess the NFL and Peacock agree rural Americans are idiots. How sad!

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This is a pure money grab by NBC and I hope they fail.

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